Yano Jones Death, Papillion HS principal died on June 11, loved ones mourns

Yano Jones

Yano Jones of Papillion, Nebraska, passed away on Monday, June 11, 2024, the news of his passing has left his loved ones devastated, confused, and shocked. He was the assistant principal at Papillion La Vista South. Jones was a high energy relationship builder who brought a passion for impacting students to PL South. Yano was a great husband, father, principal, coach, mentor, uncle, and father figure to all the kids he encountered. He was a dynamic force and a beacon of kindness to everyone he encountered.


According to Nicole L. Johnson, on social media, “I had the pleasure of meeting Yano Jones a few decades ago when I started my coaching career. It didn’t matter if it was basketball, football, or track he was always there supporting our youth. Over the past decade, I’ve only run into him a couple times, but he never failed to ask about my children, and I was able to watch his children grow through fb. Being a coach, particularly a volunteer coach, is the lowest paying job that produces the highest rate of return on investment. Your children become our children, and your family’s struggles and achievement become our struggles and achievements. Many sleepless nights are spent finding ways to get the most out of our players on and off the court or field!
I salute Yano for touching so many youth and their families in his role as a volunteer coach. That’s how I will remember and honor him! Sending many prayers to all who loved him!

Carrie Wood Carper, a Bellevue West High School graduate, also wrote on Facebook, “Yano Jones, you were one of the good ones gone way too soon!! My heart hurts so much for your babies & Nissa, your family, your friends, the community you touched. This news yesterday was something i didn’t want to believe. I know the families, friends, & community will rally around Nissa & the kids. You are going to be be missed.
RIP Yano Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone you touch, the kids and Nissa.”

Our thoughts are with his family, especially his wife and children, who he spoke of so proudly every time we were together.


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